
Privacy Policy

Apps & Collected Data

None of the apps authored by Kelvin Aitken collect, store or use data in any way outside of the app. Data is not sent elsewhere, stored offline or in any way used or collected or read by any person, device or other app.

This includes GPS location data which may be used by some our apps that have a weather screen. Such GPS data is provided by your device and used by the services that provide weather information and is not stored by the app or stored outside of the app.

Any information that is entered, saved or recorded is stored solely in the apps local storage, or equivalent, and as such is only accessed by that particular app, inside your device and is not exchanged or shared with any other device, even though it may be owned by you and synced or linked to the device that contains the app.

Data is not shared with any other copies of the app you may have on other devices, whether owned by you or not.

Our apps do not store any writing/text, images, videos, sound recordings or any other input either made by you or incidentally created by your device unless you specifically request your input to be saved.

In that case, you will be asked to allow access by the app, which you can refuse.

If an app receives input by you, it's never sent elsewere or stored elsewhere and never shared with any 3rd party or other app.

Any data you request to be stored by any of our apps may be deleted by your device at any time, depending on a number of factors dictated by your device. This is outside our control. We cannot restore or provide backups of your data as nothing is ever sent to us.

Deletion of data usually occurs if the storage exceeds a given amount or if the app is not used for a period of time or if there is a malfunction with your device. Those factors are dictated by your device and operating system, not by our apps, so is out of our control.

While none of our apps store data outside of your device, this does not take into account any tracking done by your device, such as an Android or Apple device. Any tracking or storage of data by your device is outside of our control and implemented by your device's manufacturer.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us using our contact info.