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List of animal species in this stock library


Cats/felines: Lynx, puma, leopards

Canines: Wolf, fox, coyote

Ursids: black bear, cinnamon bear, polar bear, brown/grizzly bear

Canines: Wolf, fox, coyote

Mustelids: badger, weasel, martin, otter, skunk, mink, ermine

Other carnivores


Horned & Antlered Animals



Deer: white-tail, mule


Goats & Sheep

Musk Ox


Cattle: various breeds



Gopher, squirrel, prairie dog



Rabbits & Hares: jackrabbit, snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbit, arctic hare

Primates: monkey, ape, macaque, tarsier


Crocodile, alligator, caiman

Snakes - land and sea snakes


Frogs & salamanders

Turtles, tortoises & terripins



Raptors: owls, eagles, hawks, falcons, osprey, vulture

Grouse, partridge, pheasant

Hummingbirds, doves, frogmouth

Wookpeckers, Flickers & similars

Kingfisher, shirike, swallow

Raven, crow, jay, magpie

Blackbird, warbler, grackle & similars

Parrots, cockotoo, cassowary

Water Birds

Ducks & merganser






Gannets & boobies

Cormorants & shags

Loons, coots & rails

Heron, egret, flamingo, bittern & similars


Avocet & stilt

Skua, auklet, murre, frigatebird

Gulls, tern, knoddy & similar

Wading birds

Penguins: gentoo, chinstrap, adelie, fairy/little, african/jackass, humboldt

Underwater & Marine


Frilled shark, sixgill sharks, sevengill sharks

Horn Sharks: Port Jackson, Crested, Galapagos, Japanese & Californian

Carpet Sharks

Wobbegong - Tasselled, cobbler, spotted, ornate, banded & similar

Whale Shark

Collared & rusty carpet sharks

Varied & blind carpet sharks

Tawny, nurse, bamboo & brown carpet sharks

Zebra & banded

Epaulette sharks

Mackerel Sharks

Great White Shark


Goblin shark

Grey Nurse, sand tiger

Thresher shark

Ground Sharks


Swellshark, Draughtboard shark

Gummy, school & whiskery shark

Hound & shy sharks

Leopard & sawtail sharks


Grey reef shark

Silky, bronze & spinner sharks

Galapagos & Caribbean reef sharks

Blacktip & whitetip sharks

Oceanic Whitetip shark

Bull shark

Blue shark

Tiger shark

Hammerhead sharks - scalloped & smooth

Dogfish Sharks

Piked shark

Endevour shark

Lantern sharks

Greenland shark

Prickly dogfish

Brier shark

Black shark

Greeneye spurdog

Southern dogshark

Plunket's dogfish

Portuguese dofish

Golden dogfish

Mandarin dogfish

Angel Sharks

Saw Sharks


Stingrays & Whiprays


Eagle, bat & butterfly rays

Manta & mobula rays

Shovelnose rays

Fiddler rays


Electric rays, numbfish & torpedo rays



Freshwater & river rays

Chimaeras & Spookfish

Elephant fish



Marine Mammals

Dolphins & porpoises

Pilot whale

False & pygmy killer whales

Orca or Killer Whale

Bowhead & Right whales

Rorquals - blue, minke, brydes whales

Grey whale

Sperm whale



Humpback whale



Seals & Sea Lions

Fur seals

Harbour/harbor seal

Ringed seal

Bearded seal

Weddell seal

Elephant seals - northern & southern

Sea lions

The above is not an exhaustive list of the images found in this stock library, nor is it detailed or specific.

The images have been sorted and presented in an order VERY loosely based on the taxonomic system, created by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus in the 1700s, a hierarchical system used to name organisms and sorted into groups based on common features.

This order is not set in stone, with "splitters" and "lumpers" creating new groups, or condensing them, over time.

Therefore, while the taxonomic name was accurate when the image was included in this database, those names might change over time, sometimes many times, as opinions wash back and forth about associations, lineage and DNA comparisons.

To find a specific animal species, use the search field above, preferably using the taxonomic name, not the common name (which can be vastly different between countries).

While basic caption information is provided with each image, such as ID number, taxonomic name, the generally accepted common name plus a basic description of the image contents, additional information is not provided. Searching for the taxonomic name using any search engine (such as google, duckduckgo, bing, etc) will provide additional information about any animal species contained in this stock library.

Please note that ALL images are copyright © Kelvin Aitken with all rights reserved. No copying or use of any kind is permitted without written permission.

For specific information about any of the images in this database, or for help to find a specific image, please contact me using the email address found in the contact page

Would you like to explore the taxonomic grouping of all known living creatures? Try these links:

The tree of life

The tree of life web project

Grey wolf in winter, at dusk walking across frozen lake

An information page for each species will be added to this website during 2025. A sample is shown below.

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium)

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Order: Torpediniformes
Family: Hypnidae
Genus: Hypnos
Species: Monopterygius

Distribution Map

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium)  distribution map.

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium) swimming above sandy sea bed.

The common name, "Coffin Ray" does not refer to any deadly attributes possessed by this rather flabby looking electric ray. Instead, it refers to the shape of specimens that have died and dried out in the sun.

This species can be found in shallow water down to below 200 m. Their bland brown colouring can vary from pale pink to chocolate, sometimes with a blotchy or sandy pattern.

The Coffin Ray is usually found buried in sand or silt, sometimes in very shallow water.

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium) with diver.

Their hunting method is to wait for prey to approach within striking distance. When a crab or fish comes too close, the ray flexes it's powerful back muscles, arching up high out of the sand and sucking the passing morsel into their mouth.

Like all members of the Torpediniformes order of rays, this species can generate and deliver a powerful electric charge.

This ability is used as a defence mechanism, and may be used, at times, to shock prey. While stunned, the potential meal can be consumed without fear of retaliation or injury.

Since this animal is capable of delivering a severe electric shock, as many divers and anglers have found, it should be left alone.

Coffin Ray (Hypnos monopterygium) swimming above sandy sea bed.

Coffin Rays are found camouflaged beneath a layer of sand/silt with just their eyes and spiracles protruding.

To tempt prey to within striking range some Numbfish have a small black worm, the Feathered Leach (Branchellion sp.), that lives on the eye or spiracle. Its colour is in stark contrast to the sand and it performs a constant swaying dance which attracts fish to the ray.

This is a commensal, not a parasitic, relationship as both the ray and worm benefit, with the ray having food attracted to within striking distance and the leach feeds off the ray's body fluids.

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